Understanding the Nature of Technology

Technology, IT & Business Resources & Information is a word that has many different interpretations and connotations. Some people think of it purely as gadgetry, while others see it as an essential part of the modern world. The impact of technology on people and their interactions with each other and the natural environment is hugely important. Understanding the nature of technologies and how they evolve is therefore a crucial subject for all of us.

As a broad umbrella term, technology encompasses all manner of tools, machinery and devices created from scientific knowledge. This can range from the tiniest atom to the most complex supercomputers. As technology evolves, society has to grapple with how it should be governed. Many countries have developed a variety of approaches to governing new technologies. Some, such as Germany, have a strong emphasis on anticipatory regulation, aiming to address potential risks before they become fully realized. Others, such as the United States, rely on more reactive legal and liability regimes to deal with issues as they arise.

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Technology involves figuring out how to creatively apply science in organised tasks involving humans and machines that meet sustainable goals. This often has unintended consequences that can be both positive and negative. For example, the internet, originally designed to help transmit data between computers networks, has become an indispensable vehicle for commerce and introduced unexpected avenues for crime and financial fraud. Similarly, social media platforms originally intended to connect friends and families have evolved into sites for election controversies and political influence. In all these cases, the technology has prioritized some low-resistance path to some end and neglected or deprioritized others.

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